A decent game becomes great when you're having fun with friends.
Unfortuately we've had a lot of our core people go to other games or real life situations, but a few of us are still around and want to really push our titles.
We are in a PvE heavy Luxon Alliance
We would love to build enough to have a great core of GvGing in our free time
Our ideal candidates would be (but not required)-
-Age 18+ (*required*)
-Consistant play time in the evenings EST. Weekends are great too.
-All Campaigns (includiing GW:EN)
-Wide range of different characters/abilities.
-Doesn't take offence to a bad word occasionally coming across Vent.
-Likes to have fun!
-We do not believe in flamming in public. You have a problem with someone be an adult and work it out in your own time or place.
We are mainly looking for PvE'ers (we PvP casually from time to time including GVG).
Our main objectives are maxing titles.
We also would enjoy helping people getting to know GVGs since a couple of us played for 3 years now.
So if you're looking for any of the following we welcome to hear from you
-Guardian Title Tracks (HardMode missions)
-Skill Hunting
-Master of the North
-Dungeons (especially Hard Mode)
-GW:EN Reputations
-Sunspear and Lightbringer
-Chest Titles (wisdom and treasure hunters)
Personally I would love to get God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals but I have a LONG way to go (12 titles maxed atm).